Windows IRDA Programming - Windows IrSock Implementation : IrSock Programming & IRDA TechnologyCSWL provides IrDA application development services on windows. IrDA is used to provide wireless connectivity technologies for devices, the ability to wirelessly connect a device to a wired network. We also do IrSock programming based on your IrDA product requirement.
Windows Application Programming : Windows NT ProgrammingCSWL develops Windows NT and Web-based applications; this paper discusses performance factors of Windows NT, Exploitation of mission critical application on Windows NT platforms.
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Python: Tales of a Programming Hobo - Christopher Armstrong: Hey look it is a natural language programming environment OH GOD STOP ITThis is a bad thing. Part 4 - Making Play More Friendly Chapter 1 - New Commands Section 1 - Echo-location Understand "shout [text] to/at/for [any person]" as answering it that (with nouns reversed). This was written by the genius (that is not sarcastic) interactive fiction author Emily Short, in her short "Beauty and the Beast" spinoff, Bronze. As far as I can tell, it means "when the player enters a command such as "shout Hello at Bob", the 'answer' action should be invoked with the first argument being Bob and the second argument being the text "Hello". Maybe.